NICL Admit Card 2016

By | December 25, 2015

NICL Admit Card 2016:-  The NICL Administrative Officer exam is going to be conducted in September by NICL which is National Insurance Company. The Application process has been done successfully. NICL Exam Admit Card will be published on the official website of National Insurance.

NICL is a National Insurance Company Limited which is an insurance company of India. The National Insurance Company conducts the exam of NICL on the different Examination Center across in India. The Exam Syllabus of NICL is reasoning, English Language, General Awareness, Numerical Ability, Computer Literacy, Technical and Professional Knowledge. The Exam Paper will be objective type question which has five different sections. Second Paper is descriptive paper which carries 50 marks. The Paper will be conducted in two shifts which time duration is 9 AM to 11 AM and 12:30 PM to 2:30 Pm. NICL will select candidates on the basis of a written exam and interview.

NICL Admit Card 2016, NICL Exam Admit Card Download 2016:-

The Exam of NICL AO is going to be conducted in September. A huge Number of candidates are waiting for NICL AO Exam Admit Card 2016. The National Insurance Company will be provided NICL Admit Card before 7 days of Exam. You Can download your NICL Admit Card by these steps.

  1. Candidates need to log in on the official website which is
  2. Then click on the option of NICL AO Admit card 2016
  3. Enter of Registration Number and click on submit Button.
  4. NICL AO Admit Card will be displayed.

Candidates are advised to check their personal details on the Admit card like Candidate’s Name, Roll Number, Photo, Examination center and exam time. Without Admit Card, Candidates will not allow on the examination center. The Official website of NICL is wishing good luck to all applicant.

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